High quality animation from the creator Priapus. This animation was posted on Tumblr in four parts each with it’s own intro and ending as the creator worked on it. I have combined all four parts, shorts, into one seamless file.
Format: mp4 |
编号: Pr-1007
语种: 英文
Duration: 24:02
码情: 无马
解压码: 77in.in
提示: 7z格式手机端建议ZArchiver解压!务必下载在解压!如无法打开网页,推荐浏览器:Chrome、Firefox进入网站
High quality animation from the creator Priapus. This animation was posted on Tumblr in four parts each with it’s own intro and ending as the creator worked on it. I have combined all four parts, shorts, into one seamless file.
未经允许不得转载:22IN-22素材站 » 3D动漫 Priapus – The Seventh Circle Inner Ring