
■文件名:Excerpts︰ Works from the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art Collections
■简介:Collections are the backbone of a museum. Objects of both inquiry and enjoyment, they measure our ongoing search for new ways to understand ourselves and our world. Excerpts brings together artworks from all the different collections held at the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, including the internationally renowned Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection and works originally collected by the Las Vegas Art Museum. This is the first time a single major exhibition has featured works from every area of the Barrick in dialogue with one another藏品是博物馆的支柱。它们既是探究的对象,也是享受的对象,衡量我们不断寻找新的方式来了解自己和我们的世界。摘录汇集了马乔里巴里克艺术博物馆收藏的所有不同藏品的艺术品,包括国际知名的多萝西和赫伯特沃格尔收藏品以及最初由拉斯维加斯艺术博物馆收藏的作品。这是第一次在一个大型展览中展示来自巴里克各个地区的作品相互对话

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